Nomad Essentials Logo

Our Sustainability Practices

We follow a set of guiding principles and
practices in our home & business
to create sustainable,
eco friendly products.


  • Use as few plastics and metals as feasibly possible, due to their high-intensity manufacturing processes and limited recyclability profiles.
  • When we have to use plastics and metals only the best will do, with a low failure rate and good environmental stability so they last for years of active use.
  • Use heavy-duty cotton canvas, modern cotton manufacturing and processing has a lower environmental impact compared to plastic textiles and can be easily recycled or repurposed many times over.
  • Limit all material cut wastage to under 5%.  This part works like a jigsaw puzzle.  We start by laying the pattern on the material to be cut and looking for the most efficient way to position the large and small pieces together.
  • Recycle any and all off-cuts wherever possible. (eg. Smaller products)



  • Work a range of small to medium tailoring shops with a passion for high-quality products and processes to minimise unnecessary faults and waste.
  • Spend extra time planning and organising parts, materials & efficient processes to minimise faults and waste.
  • Design products and features that allow easy maintenance and repair.



  • Everything we make is shipped by sea freight, as this produces approximately 45 times less CO2e compared to using Air Freight.
  • We never, ever, ever pack our bulk gear individually for shipping.  That means zero individual plastic wrapping, no paper and no fumigation.  Just large, well-sealed cardboard boxes packed to the brim.
  • When we send a product to you, the customer, it comes in a plain Australia Post Satchel, again, with no extra plastic or paper wrapping, no bow ties or trinkets.  Boring yes, but if our gear can’t survive a postage trip then it’s not worth making.
  • We also don’t provide any sort of packing in our shop or on our market stall.
  • We appreciate your support and commitment to saving our oceans and forests for future generations.



  • We try to repair all damaged or faulty products to limit waste and extend the product’s life cycle.
  • We recycle any un-repairable units through reuse of parts and materials, you would be surprised what an epic fail can inspire 🙂



  • All our business cards and other limited print media is made using sustainable soy inks on 100% recycled papers.


Renewable Energy:

  • We are proud owners of a 5 kW Solar System at our Home/HQ.
  • Our next plan is to build and install a solar tracking system so the panels constantly face the sun which should improve their output by 20% to 30%
  • We are also excited with the new residential battery systems becoming available and estimate that approximately 9 kWh should cover all our homes requirements and have some over left for our neighbours.



Organizations We Support

These are organizations & charities that we support
through donations, volunteering or promotion.



Sumatran Orangutan Society – Protecting Their Only Home

Sea Shepherd – The front line in Animal Conservation

WSPA International – A world wide organisation for the protection of animals

Greenpeace – A worldwide organization protecting our planet

Animal Friends Jogja – Caring for animals and educating locals

Extreme Ice Survey – Monitoring Global Ice Systems

The Green School Bali – Creating a green future for children from all over the world

Tesla – Just because…… 🙂

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